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Chakra Stones & Runes Set

Type: Jewelry

Item #: 1041

Availability: In stock


Chakra Stones & Runes Set for Balance & Alignment

Crown Chakra - Amethyst (Rune: Anuz) Increases connection with the divine, aides with one's spiritual awakening.

Third Eye Chakra - Lapis Lazuli (Rune: Berkana) Increases intuitive abilities, helps with transition, increases one's connection to the earth.

Throat Chakra - Sodalite (Rune: Isa) Works with intention and synchronicity, increases awareness.

Heart Chakra - Green Aventurine (Rune: Eihwaz) Releasing fear, protecting your energy from other people.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine (Rune: Kenaz) Increases joy, helps with transformation, and actualizing goals and aspirations. Strengthens abilities in all realms, regenerates and heals.

Sacral Chakra - Carnelian (Rune: Jera) Power of manifestation, works with harmony and flow, increases creativity.

Root Chakra - Red Jasper (Rune: Fehu) Increases wealth knowledge and wealth energy, draws upon celestial energies.